You Actually Fail, When You Do Not Execute.

Washington DC - National Museum of American Hi...

First electric bulb, which was created after 1000 tries.

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You might have a brilliant idea for a brilliant business or anything, I’m sure you have, don’t tell me you don’t.  Now you are afraid to execute, because you have lack of resources. You have assumed (which is making an ASS of U & ME) that you might not reach to your goal because you haven’t enough resources.

But what is the guarantee of your idea in market with all resources? You might have very expensive website for your on-line store with all technical assistant but who will  give you guarantee that  your online store is going to be very popular among the target community. Or who is giving you the guarantee that you are going to fail in your idea. Definitely no one can. To get the real situation you must not stick around with prediction and casting doubts. Market is a place which gives all resistance to new ideas.

In this situation if you want to be remarkable you have the only option to ship your art to face the bigger challenges of market resistance. Your art can show you the real picture of what works and what doesn’t, execution is most important element which leads you to make a difference.  Now its easy to create, learn and share more than ever in interconnected world.

Chances are you’ll be failed but this failure will give you enough knowledge of market and yourself. You will get where your shipping is necessary and your art lies.

So go for execution, break the rules, think out of the box and never avoid failing because if you do so, it will leave you unlearned in uncertainty and doubts. Which is worst than failure.

Tell me what’s on your mind and you’re afraid to execute. May be I can be of help.

All the best with execution!

14 thoughts on “You Actually Fail, When You Do Not Execute.

  1. YES you are right Sidra but one thing which make your idea worthless is the lack of resources so what to do when you have an idea but no resources?

    • Great question, actually Sharmeen almost all the time we do not execute something because we look in what we haven’t. We always ignore what’re our powers and how we can utilize them to make our dream true.

      I believe once we jump in, we automatically learn finding alternate and somehow we make it. 🙂

    • Ayesha I talked about what’s the assurance of your success if you work with all the resources.

      So we need to take first step first and then rest follows. Thanks for your first comment here. 🙂

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